search for doggies : Shih Tzu showing 1 - 10 of 73
Brandie with Stephanie, Gizmo in the background

Brandie (Shih Tzu)

Age 14, ~1994 - November 08, 2008

Brandie was a sweet loving dog who always greeted us with love.

Nickname: Brand

She is always a puppy to us..

Wahwah (Shih Tzu)

Age 13, ~1995 - December 24, 2008

Dearest Wahwah, thank u for the beautiful memories. Home will never be the same without you around..

Nickname: Heng Wahwah / Wee Wee / Gao Gao / Good Girl / Bad

Suki (Shih Tzu)

Age 15, January 14, 1994 - April 03, 2009

Suki I miss you and will never forget you. You brought us so much happiness and loyality.

Enjoying The Wind Through His Whiskers

Hershel (Shih Tzu)

Age 3, February 14, 2006 - April 19, 2009

You will truly be missed in our new home, even though you didn't get to see it built.

Nickname: Hersh, Hersh Mersh

Our Snickers

Snickers (Shih Tzu)

Age 9, ~2000 - August 31, 2009

He was a great companion, loyal, playfull, very loving, and always at our side.

Nickname: Snicky's, Sniks, Snickers Baby, Snicker Doodles

The little Guy

Suka (Shih Tzu)

Age 17, ~1992 - September 08, 2009

Suka , You were the smartest , funniest , sweetest dog. We will miss you forever!

Nickname: The little guy , little buddie , the good guy

Gentleman George

Georgie (Shih Tzu)

Age 15, December 22, 1994 - September 14, 2009

You are Gods best friend now. You are missed dearly,

Nickname: Porgie Pie

Amber Lynn Mensch (Shih Tzu)

Age 8, January 06, 2001 - November 06, 2009

You were our precious Mommy Amber. The sun rises and sets on your final resting place.

Nickname: Amber

my first baby! Riley

Riley (Shih Tzu)

Age 16, March 24, 1994 - November 22, 2009

He is with his best friend again

Nickname: rye rye. rye bread

Macy (Shih Tzu)

Age 12, ~1997 - November 20, 2009

In Loving Memory of our Little Lovebug